Living the Steady Life

Over the 547 days since I last wrote here my life has changed for the better dramatically. Without going into any details, I’ll just say that my family and I have emerged from some very challenging circumstances.

Personally, I have put in a great deal of work to be in a better place and have made significant progress in my relationship with myself and with people who I care about. I am still a work in progress but progress has been made.

Professionally, I made a transition to a new role at my company and it has been a godsend. I am in a position to lead sales efforts, mentor other technical sellers, and help customers transform their information security defenses. Being in a role that I love has done wonders for my mental health.

My physical health is okay, but I have experienced some significant backsliding on the weight and exercise front. I have been working to get myself back into a routine of exercise but it has been a series of guts and starts. I need to be mindful and guard against re-injuring myself and the fear of injury is holding me back to some degree.

I celebrated 7 years of continuous sobriety last September and I’m looking forward to eight in a few months. While I know that I will always need to maintain a program and remain vigilant I am also very comfortable in my recovery at this point. Steady.

Longtime readers may notice that the name of this blog has changed as has its primary address. I am indeed living a steady life, and I am grateful for it.

2 responses to “Living the Steady Life”

  1. It’s great to see that you are back! Several months ago I started to read your blog posts from the start and just got to the most recent one last week. I’ve drawn a lot of encouragement from your story, but please don’t take that as pressure. I’m sure the words will come when they are ready.


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